Our Mission

It is the commitment to better meet the growing needs and to help promote a flourishing market-led economy by partnering with both governments and private sectors

Our Vision

Our vision is embedded in a dynamic strategy focusing on the ambitious desire to improve the other-all living condition and enhance prosperity in a sustainable manner.

Our Objective

We provide great and unsurpassed standard of services of both financing and design/program management that are reflected in the success and satisfaction of our valued clients


Western Africa development organization

Working for the people of Africa

Our core service is to provide funding and programs management

to real estate developers and governments throughout Africa for various projects.

Practice Areas


With an exponential demographic growth,  and the rising middle class in Africa we are witnessing an unprecedented housing deficiency. In Cote d'Ivoire alone....


The African continent is full of the world's high percentage of raw materials and it is well-known of being the home of the most precious minerals in the world. Some of the....


Africa has a urge gap in energy structures and many African struggle with high cost, low capacity, and constant power outage. In contrast the continent holds more than half....

Raw Materials Processing Plant

Africa has a global comparative advantage in agriculture, being home to more than half the world agriculturally suitable and highly unused land, and its vast water....


The need for infrastructure improvements in the developing world and particularly in Africa is critical. Countless numbers of businesses suffer from lack of reliable roads and/or....

"A doctor can bury his mistakes, but an architect can only advise his clients to plant vines.”

Franck Lloyd Wright